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Connecticut Historic Shoreline - 1880s
SDE Feature Class - depgis.DEP.TOPO_SURVEY_SHEET_1880S_SHORE
FGDC, ESRI Metadata
DescriptionSpatialData StructureData QualityData SourceData DistributionMetadata
+ Resource Description
Information used to reference the data.
Title: Connecticut Historic Shoreline - 1880s
Originators: Martyn Smith, University of Connecticut Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (compiler), State of Connecticut Depatrment of Environmental Protection (editor and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Data location: http://www.ct.gov/deep
A characterization of the data, including its intended use and limitations.
1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Features is a 1:10,000-scale, line feature-based layer that includes information depicting historic shoreline features and wetland boundaries for areas of coastal Connecticut during the 1880s. The layer depicts information found on topographic survey sheets (T-sheets) from the US Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS), a predecessor to the National Ocean Service (NOS).  The layer represents conditions at a particular point in time.  The layer does not depict current conditions. The layer includes ground condition features such as approximate shoreline, shoreline, wetland shoreline, wetland upland boundaries, wetland interior boundaries, man-made shoreline, jetties/breakwaters/groins, and piers/ramps/docks.  Semi-submerged marshes, referred to here as "low marshes," ocurring where it is possible to discern marsh-like features waterward of the shoreline are also included.  Off shore and riverine islands and rocks may be included depending on the quality of their depiction on the t-sheet.  It does not include any non shoreline-centric elements that may have been depicted on the t-sheets such as buildings, roads, bridges, etc., nor does it include other off-shore features like sandbars, mud flats, tidal flats, etc.  Features are line locations that represent the approximate location of shoreline features and wetland boundaries.  Shoreline, as depicted on the T-sheets that pre-date 1927, reference an approximation of Mean High Water (MHW).  Although MHW is technically determined by averaging the height of the high water line, (HWL) the landward extent of the last high tide over a 19 year lunar cycle, USC&GS topographers appoximated MHW by familarizing themselves with the tidal conditions in a given area and noting the assorted physical characteristics of the beach.  (For a more complete description of this and other shoreline indicators, the reader is directed to the following article:   "Historical Shoreline Change:  Error Analysis and Mapping Accuracy," Crowell, M., Leatherman, S., and Buckley, M.  Journal of Coastal Research, Vol 7, No. 3, 1991, pp 839-852.)

Attribute information is comprised of codes to identify individual features, encode shoreline feature type information, and cartographically represent (symbolize) shoreline features on a map. These codes were derived in part from the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coastal Services Center (CSC) Historic Digital Shoreline Capture project and modified by the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection to address the inclusion of wetland areas.  This data was compiled at 1:10,000 scale. This data is not updated.
1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Features is 1:10,000-scale data. It depicts the location of historic shoreline features and wetland boundaries for all of coastal Connecticut with the exception of the area of New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the New Haven/East Haven town boundary.  The features also extend slightly beyond the Connecticut state lines into Rye, New York and Westerly, Rhode Island.  Use this layer to display historic shoreline and wetlands.  Since this data may be considered a crucial element in land use planning, determination of boundary extents, performing change studies for erosion and accretion examinations and other types of decision making this layer may also be used for analytic purposes. Use this layer with other 1:10,000-scale map data such as any other NOS T-sheet Shoreline or Wetland layers.  Not intended for maps printed at map scales greater or more detailed than 1:10,000 scale (1 inch = 833.33 feet.)
Dataset credit:
Martyn Smith and Dr. Robert Cromley (University of Connecticut Center for Geographic Information and Analysis)  for completing the T-Sheet georeferencing, initial line vectorization, and creation of the GIS data layer. Mary DiGiacomo-Cohen (Long Island Sound Resource Center) provided critical assistance including data quality reviews and feature attribution. Kevin O'Brien (State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection) assisted with data quality reviews, feature attribution, shoreline/wetland geodatabase feature class creation and topologic validation, and creating low-marsh features.  Ron Rozsa (State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection) was project coordinator.
Language of dataset: en
Point Of Contact
Contact information for the individual or organization that is knowledgeable about the data.
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Person: Kevin O'Brien
Phone: 860-424-3034
Fax: 860-424-4054
Email: dep.gisdata@ct.gov
Hours of service: Monday - Friday, 8:30-4:30 EST
Address type: mailing and physical address
79 Elm Street
City: Hartford
State or Province: Connecticut
Postal code: 06106-5127
Country: USA
Data Type
How the data are represented, formatted and maintained by the data producing organization.
File or table name: depgis.DEP.TOPO_SURVEY_SHEET_1880S_SHORE
Data type: vector digital data
Data format: SDE Feature Class
Native dataset environment: Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog
Time Period of Data
Time period(s) for which the data corresponds to the currentness reference.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
The state of and maintenance information for the data.
Data status: Complete
Update frequency: None planned
Key Words
Words or phrases that summarize certain aspects of the data.
Keywords: biota, environment, inlandWaters, oceans
Keyword thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category
Keywords: Connecticut, CT, New York, NY, Rhode Island, RI
Keyword thesaurus: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the Identifications of States, the District of Columbia and the Outlying Areas of the United States, and Associated Areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2) Washington, DC, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Keywords: United States of America, USA
Keyword thesaurus: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions (Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 10-4): Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Keyword thesaurus: None
Data Access Constraints
Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing or using the data after access is granted.
Access constraints:
None. The data is in the public domain and may be redistributed.
Use constraints:
No restrictions or legal prerequisites for using the data. The data is suitable for use at appropriate scale, and is not intended for maps printed at scales greater or more detailed than 1:10,000 scale (1 inch = 833.33 feet.).  Although this data set has been used by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection as to the accuracy of the data and or related materials. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection in the use of these data or related materials. The user assumes the entire risk related to the use of these data. Once the data is distributed to the user, modifications made to the data by the user should be noted in the metadata. When printing this data on a map or using it in a software application, analysis, or report, please acknowledge the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection as the source for this information.

These data are not for navigational purposes.
Data Security Information
Handling restrictions imposed on the data because of national security, privacy or other concerns.
Security classifiction system: None
Security classification: Unclassified
Security handling: None
+ Spatial Reference Information
Horizontal Coordinate System
Reference system from which linear or angular quantities are measured and assigned to the position that a point occupies.
Projected coordinate system:
Name: NAD 1983 StatePlane Connecticut FIPS 0600 Feet
Map units: survey feet
Geographic coordinate system:
Name: GCS North American 1983
Coordinate System Details
Map projection
Map projection name: Lambert Conformal Conic
Standard parallel: 41.200000
Standard parallel: 41.866667
Longitude of central meridian: -72.750000
Latitude of projection origin: 40.833333
False easting: 999999.999996
False northing: 499999.999998
Planar Coordinate Information
Planar coordinate encoding method: coordinate pair
Coordinate representation:
Abscissa resolution: 0.000250
Ordinate resolution: 0.000250
Planar distance units: survey feet
Geodetic model
Horizontal datum name: North American Datum of 1983
Ellipsoid name: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator of flattening ratio: 298.257222
Vertical Coordinate System
Reference system from which vertical distances (altitudes or depths) are measured.
Altitude system definition:
Altitude resolution: 1.000000
Altitude encoding method: Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates
Spatial Domain
The geographic areal domain of the data that describes the western, eastern, northern, and southern geographic limits of data coverage.
Bounding Coordinates
In Projected or local coordinates
NAD 1983 StatePlane Connecticut FIPS 0600 Feet
Left739650.085000 (survey feet)
Right1270454.750000 (survey feet)
Top705271.000000 (survey feet)
Bottom546186.887000 (survey feet)
In Unprojected coordinates (geographic)
GCS North American 1983
West-73.698870 (longitude)
East-71.764306 (longitude)
North41.396705 (latitude)
South40.955890 (latitude)
+ Data Structure and Attribute Information
Summary of the information content of the data, including other references to complete descriptions of entity types, attributes, and attribute values for the data.
Entity and attribute overview:
Includes 1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Features layer features such as approximate shoreline, shoreline, wetland shoreline, wetland upland boundaries, wetland interior boundaries, low marshes (waterward of the shoreline) man-made shoreline, jetties/breakwaters/groins, piers/ramps/docks, as well as cartographic elements such as t-sheet features used for georeferencing and the t-sheet boundary. Information encoded about these features includes types, names, measurement information, and standard cartographic symbology classification schemes. Use the DECODE values to uniquely identify and label features. Use the AV_LEGEND attribute to symbolize features by type on a map. Use the IMS_LEGEND attribute to more generally symbolize the features by type. To define a layer that only includes a certain type of feature, query 1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Features layer features for the  DECODE required values.  STATE provides a way to select out shoreline for either NY, CT, or RI.  (NOTE:  NY and RI only include small areas of Rye and Westerly.)  ERROR_FT provides the estimated worst-case root mean square (RMS) error values for the shoreline and wetland features and should be considered as "+/-" values if used in a buffering analysis.  Values for SHEET_NO, SHEET_NAME, SHEET_DATE, SCALE, and ERROR_FT are the same for all records and relate information on the T-sheet they were derived from, unless the records were involved in edgematching.  In these cases the values for all applicable sheet numbers and dates were added.  Sheet names were were not added due to field lenght limits and were coded as "multiple sheets."  ERROR_FT values were updated with values incorporating edgematching errors.
Entity and attribute detailed citation:
Examples of shoreline feature codes can be found in "Creating Vector-Based Shoreline Coverages from T-sheets: A Vectorization Manual"
prepared by the NOAA Coastal Services Center. (http://www.csc.noaa.gove/shoreline/pdf/vmanual.pdf)

Where appropriate, codes were added/modified to suit the needs of the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection.
Direct spatial reference method: Vector
Attributes of depgis.DEP.TOPO_SURVEY_SHEET_1880S_SHORE
Detailed descriptions of entity type, attributes, and attribute values for the data.
Type of object: Feature Class
Geometry type: Polyline
Number of records: 8806
Line features representing shoreline and wetland features from the 1880s NOS T-sheets.
Internal feature number.
Alias: OBJECTID Type: OID Width: 4 Precision: 10 Scale: 0
Attribute values: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute definition source:
Calculated value for the estimated horizontal positional error.  To be read in a "+/-" format.
Alias: ERROR_FT Type: Double Width: 8 Precision: 38 Scale: 8
Attribute domain values
Units, in feet, of error for shoreline and wetland features not including those that were edgematched or depict low-marsh
Units, in feet, of error for shoreline and wetland features that were edgematched
Units, in feet, of error for shoreline and wetland features that depict low-marsh
Attribute definition source:
"Historical Shoreline Change:  Error Analysis and Mapping Accuracy," Crowell, M., Leatherman, S., and Buckley, M.  Journal of Coastal Research, Vol 7, No. 3, 1991, pp 839-852 & CT DEP analysis
Feature geometry.
Alias: F_CODE Type: SmallInteger Width: 2 Precision: 5 Scale: 0
Attribute values: Coordinates defining the features.
Attribute definition source:
Abbreviation for Feature Code.  A number field that provides classification for types of shoreline features.
Alias: DECODE Type: String Width: 50 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Attribute domain values
Approximate Shoreline:  see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
Wetland Shoreline:  see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
NOAA/State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Wetland Upland Boundary:  see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Wetland Interior Boundary: see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Shoreline: see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
Jetties/Breakwaters/Groins: see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
Piers/Ramps/Docks: see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
Man-Made Shoreline:  see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
Low marsh boundary: see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
User Added: see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Attribute definition source:
NOAA, modified by State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection as needed
A text field that provides the english language equivalent of the F_CODE values
Alias: AV_LEGEND Type: String Width: 50 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Attribute domain values
Approximate Shoreline
shoreline that is obscured by a man-made feature
Definition Source:
Wetland Shoreline
Used to identify areas of shoreline defined by a wetland and external waterbodies such as sounds, bays/harbors, rivers, streams, etc.  (Interior wetland waterbodies are coded differently.)  Used by the State of Connecticut, Department of Envronmental Protection to supplant the NOAA designation of "Apparent shoreline - shoreline obscured by marsh/vegetation"
Definition Source:
NOAA/State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Wetland Upland Boundary
defines the upland extent of a wetland feature
Definition Source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Wetland Interior Boundary
Defines the boundary of any internal, non-wetland features within a wetland such as tree stands, uplands, or ponds/lakes.
Definition Source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
the shoreline plane of reference (SPOR); the delineation of the approximation of MHW along natural, unobscured shoreline
Definition Source:
depicts the indicated man-made shoreline features
Definition Source:
depicts the indicated man-made shoreline features
Definition Source:
Man-Made Shoreline
the general class of shoreline that isn't readily classified by the other structure classifications that further doesn't appear to be natural shoreline or wetland shoreline
Definition Source:
any lines added by the user, often added to to fill gaps in raster lines or to complete a boundary near the edge of a t-sheet.
Definition Source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Low marsh boundary
defines the extent of a semi-submerged wetland feature (waterward of the shoreline/wetland shoreline)
Definition Source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Attribute definition source:
NOAA, modified by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection as needed
ArcView Legend.  A text field for symbolizing different feature types on a map.
Alias: IMS_LEGEND Type: String Width: 50 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Attribute domain values
Approximate Shoreline
see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
Wetland Shoreline
see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
NOAA/State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Wetland Upland Boundary
see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Wetland Interior Boundary
see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
Man-Made Shoreline
see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
Low Marsh Boundary
see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Definition Source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Attribute definition source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Internet Mapping Software Legend.  A text field for classifying and symbolizing feature types in a simple manner for an Internet map.
Alias: SHEET_NO Type: String Width: 15 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Attribute domain values
An aggregate of the DECODE values "shoreline", "approximate shoreline", and "user-added"
Shoreline Structures
An aggregate of the DECODE values "jetties/breakwaters/groins", "piers/ramps/docks" and "man-made shoreline"
Wetland Shoreline
see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Wetland Upland Boundary
see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Wetland Interior Boundary
see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Low Marsh Boundary
see corresponding DECODE value for complete definition
Attribute definition source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Sheet Number.  A text field providing the NOS numeric designation of the T-sheet.  Taken from the T-sheet label.  Multiple sheet numbers are included where lines have been edgematched across sheets.
Alias: SHEET_NAME Type: String Width: 50 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Attribute values: Sheet numbering scheme designed by US Coast and Geodetic Survey
Attribute definition source:
Sheet Name.  A text field providing the NOS naming designation of the T-sheet. Taken from the T-sheet label.  Multiple sheet names are addressed as "Multiple sheets" where lines have been edgematched across sheets.
Alias: SHEET_DATE Type: String Width: 15 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Attribute values: Sheet naming scheme designed by US Coast and Geodetic Survey
Attribute definition source:
A text field providing the date or range of dates corresponding to the survey.  Taken from the T-sheet label.  Multiple sheet dates are included where lines have been edgematched across sheets.
Alias: SCALE Type: String Width: 15 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Attribute values: year number
Attribute definition source:
A text field providing the denominator value of the scale of the T-sheet.  Taken from the T-sheet label.
Alias: LENGTH_FT Type: Double Width: 8 Precision: 38 Scale: 8
Attribute values: whole number representing denominator of map scale
Attribute definition source:
Calculated length of feature in feet. Note, LENGTH_FT values are not automatically updated after modifying feature geometry (shape). Values must be recalculated after features are edited, simplified, generalized, clipped, dissolved, etc.
Alias: Shape Type: Geometry Width: 4 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Attribute values: Coordinates defining the features.
Attribute domain range
Attribute units of measurementfeet
Attribute definition source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Alias: STATE Type: String Width: 10 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Alias: LENGTH_MI Type: Double Width: 8 Precision: 38 Scale: 8
Feature geometry.
Alias: EDGEMATCH Type: SmallInteger Width: 2 Precision: 5 Scale: 0
Attribute values: Coordinates defining the features.
Attribute definition source:
A text field providing the name of the State a feature is located in
Alias: SHAPE.len Type: Double Width: 0 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
Attribute domain values
New York
Rhode Island
Attribute definition source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Calculated length of feature in miles. Note, LENGTH_MI values are not automatically updated after modifying feature geometry (shape). Values must be recalculated after features are edited, simplified, generalized, clipped, dissolved, etc.
Alias: LENGTH_MI Type: Double Width: 8 Precision: 38 Scale: 8
Attribute domain range
Attribute units of measurementmiles
Attribute definition source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
An integer field indicating whether or not a line has been affected by the edgematching process
Alias: EDGEMATCH Type: SmallInteger Width: 2 Precision: 5 Scale: 0
Attribute domain values
line was not edgematched
line added as part of edgematching process
An existing line was moved/modified as part of the edgematching process
Attribute definition source:
State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Alias: SHAPE.len Type: Double Width: 0 Precision: 0 Scale: 0
ESRI Feature Description
Description of spatial objects in the data using the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) terminology.
Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) terms
ESRI feature type: Simple
Geometry type: Polyline
Topology: FALSE
Feature count: 8806
Spatial index: TRUE
Linear referencing: FALSE
SDTS Feature Description
Description of point and vector spatial objects in the data using the Spatial Data Transfer Standards (SDTS) terminology.
Spatial data transfer standard (SDTS) terms
Type: String
Count: 8806
Feature class
Type: Label point
Count: 179
Feature class
Type: GT-polygon composed of chains
Count: 179
Feature class
Type: Point
Count: 0
+ Data Quality and Accuracy Information
Information about the fidelity of relationships, data quality and accuracy tests, omissions, selection criteria, generalization, and definitions used to derive the data.
Logical consistency report:
All lines representing shorelines (including breakwaters, docks, man-made shoreline features, etc) and wetlands (both land and waterward of the shoreline) were vectorized to the neatline or edge of the original shoreline map.  Post-processing edgematching resolved any areas of overlap or non-connectivity.  Line features conform to the following topological rules.  Lines do not have dangles.  Lines do not self-intersect.  Lines do not overlap.  Any deviation from these rules has been inspected and marked as a known exception within the topology feature class.  Establishment of logical consistency was performed by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection using ESRI ArcGIS software to manually create and control feature topology in geodatabase format.  The ESRI ArcGIS validate topology methods were used to identify and inspect errors associated with the above rules.  In case where corrections were needed, the most appropriate ArcGIS editing methodolgy was employed.  After all corrections and exceptions were identified, the topology was re-validated to ensure no errors remained.
Completeness report:
The completeness of the data reflects the feature content of the data sources, which include the shoreline and wetland features depicted on georeferenced images of the scanned original NOS paper or mylar T-sheets. 1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Features layer is complete in the sense that it accurately reflects the contents of the shoreline and wetland information available at the time the NOS T-Sheets were created. However, compared to current conditions, the 1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Features layer is incomplete.  Further, while the data depicts the location of historic wetland features for coastal Connecticut, the area of New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the New Haven/East haven town boundary is not accounted for due to missing T-sheets.  This data is not updated.
Attribute Accuracy
Accuracy of the identification of data entities, features and assignment of attribute values.
Attribute accuracy report:
The 1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Features layer retains the feature types and information identified by the University of Connecticut Center of Geographic Information and Analysis and the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection (based on NOAA CSC protocols) and vectorized from the georeferenced NOS T-sheets. All attributes have valid values. Values are within defined domains. The accuracy test for the F_CODE attribute values was conducted by comparing the shoreline and wetland boundary information presented in the source data with interactive displays of the 1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Features layer data on a computer graphic system. These computer displays depicted and labeled the 1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Features in different colors based on F_CODE values for comparison with the original data source. The DECODE values are the English language equivalent of (decodes) the F_CODE field values.  AV_LEGEND and IMS_LEGEND are broad classifications of 1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Features. DECODE, AV_LEGEND, and IMS_LEGEND were manually entered. These fields were populated by selecting the appropriate F_CODE types and calculating the corresponding values for each code.  The  fields SHEET_NO, SHEET_NAME,  SHEET_DATE, SCALE and ERROR_FT were calculated by selecting all records regardless of F_CODE designation and calculating a value, except in cases of edgematching where records may contain information relating to several T-sheets.  STATE indicates whether a feature is part of New York, Connceticut, or Rhode Island, as the T-sheets overlap state boundaries.  Measurement fields were only calcluated for records corresponding to shoreline and wetland features, not T-sheet features such as georeferencing control markers or boundary lines.  LENGTH_FT was calculated by returning the native units (feet), LENGTH_MI was calculated by dividing the native units (feet) by 5280.  ERROR_FT provides the estimated worst-case root mean square (RMS) error values for the shoreline and wetland features and should be considered as "+/-" values if used in a buffering analysis.  EDGEMATCH provides an indication of whether or not a line was adjusted in the edgematching process that pieced this feature layer together from the original, individual NOS T-Sheet data layers.  In general, the concept of interpreting the type of shoreline features is largely subjective.  Features types such as shoreline and wetland shoreline are generally straight-forward.  Wetland boundaries are more subjective, due in large part to the clarity of the imagery in these areas due to cross-hatching and shading techniques used by the cartographers.   In areas of edgematching  lines may not coincide with data from T-sheets.  Assessing the type of shoreline structures (docks, piers, ramps, jetties, groins, man-made shoreline, etc.) is the most subjective.   In some cases the structures are labeled on the T-sheet; these labels were then used in attributing the features.  However in the vast majority  of cases structures were not labeled and it falls to the interpretation of the reviewer.  Therefore considerations like the size and location of structures were used to assign values.  Although consistent results were strived for, it should be noted that in all cases these feature attributes are best guess assessments.  There may be certain, slight inconsistencies in attribute values from sheet to sheet due to a number of factors including, but not limited to, the individual reviewer's interpretation, the clarity and quality of the t-sheet image, etc.
Positional Accuracy
Accuracy of the positional aspects of the data.
Horizontal accuracy report:
The horizontal positional accuracy of this data is estimated. All of the locations are within +/- 27.6 feet of their real world location except edgematched features which are estimated at +/-28.3 feet, and low marsh features, which are estimated at +/- 40.1 feet.
Horizontal positional accuracy assessment:
Accuracy values
+/- 27.6 feet
Non-Edgematched Features:  Error estimated based on formula and values presented in "Historical Shoreline Change:  Error Analysis and Mapping Accuracy," Crowell, M., Leatherman, S., and Buckley, M.  Journal of Coastal Research, Vol 7, No. 3, 1991, pp 839-852.  In summary, the error associated with 10:000 scale T-Sheets mapped during the time frame of 1880-1930 can be quantified as follows:

1) Error in location of planetable relative to true position =  3m
2) Error in location of plotted rodded points relative to planetable = 1m
3) Error in field interpreation of HWL at rodded points = 4m
4) Inaccuracies in location of control points = 4m
5) Error in digitizing inner to outer margin of plotted lines = 4m
6) Digitizer error = 2.5m
7) Operator error = 2.5m

Values were first squared & summed, then the square root was taken to achieve the worst case Root Mean Square (RMS) error value. Values were then converted to feet.
+/- 28.3 feet
Edgematched Features:  Error estimated based on formula and values presented in "Historical Shoreline Change:  Error Analysis and Mapping Accuracy," Crowell, M., Leatherman, S., and Buckley, M.  Journal of Coastal Research, Vol 7, No. 3, 1991, pp 839-852.  In summary, the error associated with 10:000 scale T-Sheets mapped during the time frame of 1880-1930 can be quantified as follows:

1) Error in location of planetable relative to true position =  3m
2) Error in location of plotted rodded points relative to planetable = 1m
3) Error in field interpreation of HWL at rodded points = 4m
4) Inaccuracies in location of control points = 4m
5) Error in digitizing inner to outer margin of plotted lines = 4m
6) Digitizer error = 2.5m
7) Operator error = 2.5m
8) In addition to the seven criteria listed above, another value estimating the error introduced in edgematching areas was derived.  20 areas were edgematching occured were inspected to quantify the shift between features.  On screen measurements were taken and averaged to get a value of 2m.

The 8 values were first squared & summed, then the square root was taken to achieve the worst case Root Mean Square (RMS) error value. Values were then converted to feet.
+/- 40.1 feet
Low Marsh Features:  Error estimated based on formula and values presented in "Historical Shoreline Change:  Error Analysis and Mapping Accuracy," Crowell, M., Leatherman, S., and Buckley, M.  Journal of Coastal Research, Vol 7, No. 3, 1991, pp 839-852.  In summary, the error associated with 10:000 scale T-Sheets mapped during the time frame of 1880-1930 can be quantified as follows:

1) Error in location of planetable relative to true position =  3m
2) Error in location of plotted rodded points relative to planetable = 1m
3) Error in field interpreation of HWL at rodded points = 4m
4) Inaccuracies in location of control points = 4m
5) Error in digitizing inner to outer margin of plotted lines = 8m*
6) Digitizer error = 5m*
7) Operator error = 5m*

A qualitative assessment was made to double the estimates for those error sources pertainnig to on-screen digitizing because the boundaries depicting the low marsh areas were not well defined lines, but rather the limits of patterns of cross hatching. 

The 7 values were first squared & summed, then the square root was taken to achieve the worst case Root Mean Square (RMS) error value. Values were then converted to feet.
Vertical accuracy report:
+ Data Source and Process Information
Data Sources
Information about the source data used to construct or derive the data.
Data source information
1 - Original T-sheet Images
Title: Original Individual 1880's NOS T-Sheet Images
Originators: U.S Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS)
Publication date: 1882-1887 Publication time: Unknown
Data type: raster digital data
Other citation details:
17 Original NOS Historic T-Sheet JPEG Images.  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: CD-ROM
Source contribution:
Staff from the US National Geodetic Survey (NGS) provided 17 scanned JPEG images at 1200 pixels per inch (ppi) based on the original paper/mylar 1:10,000 scale T-sheet to the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.  These served as the source for the georeferenced images used in the shoreline digitization.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
2 - Shoreline shapefiles
Title: Individual 1880's NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Shapefiles
Originators: Martyn Smith, University of Connecticut Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (compiler), State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (editor and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
17 NOS Historic T-Sheet shoreline shapefiles.  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
The resulting 17 shoreline shapefiles that were produced from the vectorization process and used in the QA/QC, attributing, and feature class creation steps.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
3 - Georeferenced T-sheet Images
Title: Individual Georeferenced 1880's NOS T-Sheet Images
Originators: Martyn Smith, University of Connecticut Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (compiler), State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (editor and publisher)
Publication date: 2004
Data type: raster digital data
Other citation details:
17 georeferenced *.TIFF files.  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
These are the 17 *.TIFF  image derived from the Original T-Sheet Images that were used as a base during the digitization process as well during the QA/QC review, attribution, and edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
4 - Wetland Polygon shapefiles
Title: Individual 1880's NOS T-Sheet Wetlands Shapefiles
Originators: Martyn Smith, University of Connecticut Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (compiler), State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (editor and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
17 NOS Historic T-Sheet wetland polygon shapefiles.  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
The resulting 17 wetland polygon shapefiles that were produced from the vectorization process and used in the QA/QC, attributing, and feature class creation steps.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
5 - Statewide Shoreline and Wetland Topology
Title: 1880s Shoreline and Wetland Topology Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler and editor)
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
This is the ArcGIS geodatabase feature class containing the topology rules used during the edgematching.
Date: 2005
Currentness reference:
publication date
6 - Statewide Shoreline Feature Class
Title: Statewide 1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
Contains data from 17 NOS Historic T-Sheet shoreline shapefiles:  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
The data resulting from creating an ArcGIS feature class and loading the original 17 shoreline shapefiles into it.  Used within a geodatabase with a topology feature class for edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
7 - Statewide Wetland Polygon Feature Class
Title: Statewide 1880s NOS T-Sheet Wetland Polygon Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
Contains data from 17 NOS Historic T-Sheet wetland polygon shapefiles:  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
The data resulting from creating an ArcGIS feature class and loading the original 17 wetland polygon shapefiles into it.  Used within a geodatabase with a topology feature class for edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
8 - Statewide Wetland Polygon Point Feature Class
Title: Statewide 1880s NOS T-Sheet Wetland Polygon Points Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
Contains data from 17 NOS Historic T-Sheet wetland polygon shapefiles:  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
A feature class consisting of points created from the wetland polygon feature class used to hold and transfer attributes from the original polygons to any new ones that might need to be created to replace the old ones.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
Process Steps
Information about events, parameters, tolerances and techniques applied to construct or derive the data.
Process step information
Process Step 1
Process description:
Georeferencing Imagery: JPEG images were converted to uncompressed/RGB 8-bit TIFF format in Adobe Photoshop 6.0.  Images were then georeferenced to native  coordinate system (NAD27 GCS) using Blue Marble Geographics Geographic Transformer 5.0.  Control points at latitude/longitude intersections were identified and selected on each image.  All transformed images were saved in TIFF formats with appropriate world file header information.  TIFF Images were then converted to ESRI GRID format using ArcToolbox (version 8.3) and optimized for use with ArcScan (version 8.3).
ESRI GRID.  NAD 27 GCS coordinate system was defined for these ESRI GRID files. ESRI GRID files in NAD27 GCS were then reprojected to NAD83 CT State Plane coordinate system using ArcToolbox (version 8.3). ESRI GRID files were then converted to TIFF files with world file header information.
Person: Kevin O'Brien
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Phone: 860-424-3034
Fax: 860-424-4054
Hours of service: Monday - Friday, 8:30-4:30, EST
Address type: mailing and physical address
79 Elm St.
City: Hartford
State or Province: CT
Postal code: 06106-5127
Country: USA
Process date: 2004
Data Source used
1 - Original T-sheet Images
Title: Original Individual 1880's NOS T-Sheet Images
Originators: U.S Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS)
Publication date: 1882-1887 Publication time: Unknown
Data type: raster digital data
Other citation details:
17 Original NOS Historic T-Sheet JPEG Images.  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: CD-ROM
Source contribution:
Staff from the US National Geodetic Survey (NGS) provided 17 scanned JPEG images at 1200 pixels per inch (ppi) based on the original paper/mylar 1:10,000 scale T-sheet to the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.  These served as the source for the georeferenced images used in the shoreline digitization.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
Data Source produced
3 - Georeferenced T-sheet Images
Title: Individual Georeferenced 1880's NOS T-Sheet Images
Originators: Martyn Smith, University of Connecticut Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (compiler), State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (editor and publisher)
Publication date: 2004
Data type: raster digital data
Other citation details:
17 georeferenced *.TIFF files.  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
These are the 17 *.TIFF  image derived from the Original T-Sheet Images that were used as a base during the digitization process as well during the QA/QC review, attribution, and edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
Process Step 2
Process description:
Shoreline/Wetland Vectorization:  All lines representing shoreline features (including structures such as breakwaters, jetties, groins, docks, piers, ramps, docks, man-made shoreline, etc.) and tidal marshes were vectorized to the neatline or edge of the original shoreline map.  All tidal wetland areas (including internal upland and waterbody features) have been vectorized. Features were assigned F_CODE values derived from NOAA CSC protocols.  In general the vectorization process followed the guidelines specified in "Creating Vector-Based Shoreline Coverages from T-sheets: A Vectorization Manual" prepared by NOAA. (http://www.csc.noaa.gove/shoreline/pdf/vmanuel.pdf)
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Process date: 2004
Data Source used
3 - Georeferenced T-sheet Images
Title: Individual Georeferenced 1880's NOS T-Sheet Images
Originators: Martyn Smith, University of Connecticut Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (compiler), State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (editor and publisher)
Publication date: 2004
Data type: raster digital data
Other citation details:
17 georeferenced *.TIFF files.  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
These are the 17 *.TIFF  image derived from the Original T-Sheet Images that were used as a base during the digitization process as well during the QA/QC review, attribution, and edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
Data Source produced
2 - Shoreline Shapefiles
4 - Wetland Polygon Shapefiles
Process Step 3
Process description:
Shapefile Data QA/QC & Attribution Updates:  Shoreline and wetland line features from the Shoreline Feature Layer and the Wetland Polygon Layer were overlaid onto the Georeferenced T-sheet Image by staff from the Long Island Sound Resources Center and the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.  The QA/QC process took three distinct steps, Attribute Checking, Geometry Checking, and Attribute Updates, described below:

Step 1 - Attribute Checking:  F_CODE values for the Shoreline Feature Layer and  the Wetland Polygon Layer were symbolized and compared to the features depicted on the Georeferenced T-sheet Image to assess whether or not the lines and polygons were symbolized correctly.  In cases where the lines or polygons needed correction, this was achieved through record selection and field calculations using ArcGIS software.  In general, the concept of interpreting the type of shoreline and wetland features is largely subjective.  Features types such as shoreline and wetland shoreline are generally straight-forward.  Wetland boundary lines and their associated polygons are more subjective, due in large part to the clarity of the image in these areas due to cross-hatching and shading techniques used by the cartographers.  Assessing the type of shoreline structures (docks, piers, ramps, jetties, groins, man-made shoreline, etc.) is the most subjective.   In some cases the structures are labeled on the T-sheet; these labels were then used to generate the attributes.  However in the vast majority  of cases it falls to the interpretation of the reviewer, and as such considerations like the size and location of structures was used to assign values.  Although consistent results were strived for, it should be noted that in all cases these feature attributes are best guess assessments.  There may be certain, slight inconsistencies in attribute values from sheet to sheet due to a number of factors including, but not limited to, the individual reviewer's interpretation, the clarity and quality of the t-sheet image, etc.

Step 2 - Geometry Checking:  Essentially this process was a dual attempt to a) ensure the proper representation of the shoreline & wetland features from the Georeferenced T-sheet Image to the Shoreline Feature Layer and the Wetland Polygon Layers, and b) impart as much topological intergrity between the Shoreline Feature Layer and the Wetland Polygon Layer as possible with a manual review.  It should be re-emphasized here that there is no true topology in the strictest sense within these layers, but rather a modicum of coincidence among the line and polygon features. 

In case a), features from the Shoreline Feature Layer and the Wetland Polygon Layers were compared on-screen to the Georeferenced T-sheet Image.  In areas where features needed to be added or removed, the appropriate actions were taken in ArcGIS.  In situations where features need to be added, snapping among and between line and polygon layers was used to maximize de-facto topology.  In general, the largest area of editing dealt with inconsistencies in capturing/omitting narrow ditches usually within wetlands.  As a rule, these were eliminated in the QA/QC process so that only "natural" hydrologic stream/river features were retained.  (Typically these ditches were very linear in nature and thus easy to identify.)

In case b), a manual visual inspection during the entire QA/QC process was used to look for places where the line and polygon features were not coincident, or where a polygon had small internal polygons as a result of deleting uneccesary lines, either from case a) or as artifacts from the original vectorization.  In many cases these areas presented themselves in readily identifiable areas, such as in narrow meandering streams.  Corrections generally took the form of the easiest adjustment to make; in some cases it was snapping polygons to lines, and in other cases the reverse.  Typically these adjustments were on the order of 5 ft or less, so the holding of one feature over the other was deemed unecessary.  In taking care of internal polygons, the ArcGIS Merge function was used to combine multiple polygons.  As a cautionary note, care was taken to be as thorough as possible, but it is likely that there were areas that were missed.  

Step 3 - Attribute Updates:  Once all the geometric edits were complete, the attributes were rechecked for coding updates as well as measurement field updates.  Finally the fields providing T-sheet information (SHEET_NO, SHEET_NAME, SHEET_DATE, SCALE, and ERROR_FT) were added and attributed for all records at once.
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Process date: 2004-2005
Data Source used
2 - Shoreline Shapefiles
3 - Georeferenced T-sheet Images
Title: Individual Georeferenced 1880's NOS T-Sheet Images
Originators: Martyn Smith, University of Connecticut Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (compiler), State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (editor and publisher)
Publication date: 2004
Data type: raster digital data
Other citation details:
17 georeferenced *.TIFF files.  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
These are the 17 *.TIFF  image derived from the Original T-Sheet Images that were used as a base during the digitization process as well during the QA/QC review, attribution, and edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
4 - Wetland Polygon Shapefiles
Data Source produced
2 - Shoreline Shapefiles
4 - Wetland Polygon Shapefiles
Process Step 4
Process description:
Geodatabase Creation:  Using ESRI ArcGIS 9.0, a geodatabase was created to compile and process the shoreline and wetland polygon shapefiles created in the previous steps into a statewide data layer depicting historic 1880 shoreline and wetland features.  The spatial extent was set to encompass the entire State of Connecticut, a feature dataset was created to hold the feature classes into which the 17 shoreline and 17 wetland polygon shapefiles were loaded.  Topology was generated to ensure proper geometric integrity within and between the feature classes.  The following topological rules were instituted: Line features conform to the following topological rules.  Lines do not have dangles.  Lines do not self-intersect.  Lines do not overlap. Polygons must not overlap.  Boundaries of polygons musy be covered by lines from the Shoreline feature class.  In addition, a point feature class was created from the polygons to facilitate the transfer of attributes from original polygons to any new ones that might have been created as replacements for the originals.  This point payer served as a temporary layer during the Feature Class Edits process step and was discarded afterwards.
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Process date: 2005
Data Source used
2 - Shoreline Shapefiles
4 - Wetland Polygon Shapefiles
Data Source produced
5 - Statewide Shoreline and Wetland Topology
Title: 1880s Shoreline and Wetland Topology Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler and editor)
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
This is the ArcGIS geodatabase feature class containing the topology rules used during the edgematching.
Date: 2005
Currentness reference:
publication date
6 - Statewide Shoreline Feature Class
Title: Statewide 1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
Contains data from 17 NOS Historic T-Sheet shoreline shapefiles:  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
The data resulting from creating an ArcGIS feature class and loading the original 17 shoreline shapefiles into it.  Used within a geodatabase with a topology feature class for edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
7 - Statewide Wetland Polygon Feature Class
Title: Statewide 1880s NOS T-Sheet Wetland Polygon Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
Contains data from 17 NOS Historic T-Sheet wetland polygon shapefiles:  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
The data resulting from creating an ArcGIS feature class and loading the original 17 wetland polygon shapefiles into it.  Used within a geodatabase with a topology feature class for edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
8 - Statewide Wetland Polygon Point Feature Class
Title: Statewide 1880s NOS T-Sheet Wetland Polygon Points Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
Contains data from 17 NOS Historic T-Sheet wetland polygon shapefiles:  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
A feature class consisting of points created from the wetland polygon feature class used to hold and transfer attributes from the original polygons to any new ones that might need to be created to replace the old ones.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
Process Step 5
Process description:
Feature Class Edits:  Shoreline, wetland, wetland points, and topology feature classes were overlaid onto the Georeferenced T-sheet Images within ArcGIS for the purpose of editing into edgematched, topologically valid statewide shoreline and wetland feature classes.  Upon inspecting the topology errors, it was evident that there were many areas where lines and polygons were not coinicident.  As such it was decided to reconcile the line work first, then use the corrected lines to recreate any invalid polygons.  Attributes from the original polygons captured in the wetland point feature class would then be transfered to the recreated polygons.  The feature class editing process thus took three distinct steps: Shoreline Feature Edgematching/Topology Validation, Wetland Polygon Feature Edgematching/Topology Validation, and Final Inspection, described below:

1) Shoreline Feature Edgematching/Topology Validation:  Using the Georeferenced T-sheet imagery and the shoreline feature class, areas of overlapping linework between sheets was identified.  A visual inspection of the conflicting data was performed to determine which data to keep, delete or adjust, as well as what editing methods were most appropriate.  In general, the edgematch functionality on the ArcGIS Advanced Editing toolbar caused significant shifting/movement in the line work and was only used sparingly.  Typical editing options included deleting lines from one sheet and adding arcs to connect the remaining edges to data from the adjacent sheet, or deleting part of the line work from each sheet and adding intermediate connector lines.  In any case, an attribute field, EDGEMATCH, was added to the feature class track any changes to the lines.  Lines with values of 999 had no edgematching applied; Lines with values of 1 indicate a connector arc(s) was/were added; Lines with values of 2 were moved due to the edgematching.  Additionally, all fields realting to the T-sheet (SHEET_NO, SHEET_NAME, and SHEET_DATE) were updated to reflect the inclusion of multiple sheet data.  Any lines that were added were given an F_CODE value consistent with its representation on the Georeferenced T-sheet.  Once the shoreline features were edgematched into an single statewide layer, the line topology rules were run.  Each error was manually zoomed to for visual inspection and either corrected (via manual editing functions such as extend, trim, split/delete, or modify features), or marked as an excepetion.  Typical causes of exceptions were dangles that represented the cartographic termination of a waterbody or shoreline at the edge of a t-sheet that had no adjacent sheet.  After any corrections the topology was re-validated to ensure the corrections were successful.  After the edgematching/topology validation process, all length fields were recalculated to account for alterations from the editing processes

2) Wetland Polygon Feature Edgematching/Topology Validation:  Once the line work was completely validated, wetland polygons were adressed both for edgematching and topology.  The topology was rerun to address areas of problems with the lines and polygons.  In almost all cases where polygons needed to be edgematched or undergo a topological correction, the offending polygon(s) was/were deleted and rebuilt using the validated line work.  In a few cases, the corrections were easy enough to fix using manual editing functions such as split/delete, modify features, or merge.  The wetland polygon point layer was then used to manually transfer the attributes from the original polygon to the new one.  As in the shoreline feature class, the EDGEMATCH field was used to track polygons that underwent edgematching.  Polygons with values of 999 had no edgematching applied; Polygons with values of 1 indicate the polygon was created using arcs that were edgematched or two or more polygons were merged together.   After any corrections the topology was re-validated to ensure the corrections were successful.  Additionally, all fields relating to the T-sheet (SHEET_NO, SHEET_NAME, and SHEET_DATE) were updated to reflect the inclusion of multiple sheet data.  Any polygons that were added in addition to the existing ones (i.e a polygon was discovered to have been missed) were given an F_CODE value consistent with its representation on the Georeferenced T-sheet.  After the edgematching/topology validation process, all length and area fields were recalculated to account for alterations from the editing processes.

3) Final Inspection:  Once the shoreline and wetland polygon feature classes had valid topologies, a final insepction was performed to ensure all lines were coded properly.  F_CODE values for the Shoreline feature class and  the Wetland Polygon feature class were symbolized and compared to each other and to the features depicted on the Georeferenced T-sheet Images to assess whether or not the lines and polygons were symbolized correctly.  In cases where the lines or polygons needed attribute correction, this was achieved through record selection and field calculations using ArcGIS software.
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Process date: 2005
Data Source used
5 - Statewide Shoreline and Wetland Topology
Title: 1880s Shoreline and Wetland Topology Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler and editor)
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
This is the ArcGIS geodatabase feature class containing the topology rules used during the edgematching.
Date: 2005
Currentness reference:
publication date
6 - Statewide Shoreline Feature Class
Title: Statewide 1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
Contains data from 17 NOS Historic T-Sheet shoreline shapefiles:  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
The data resulting from creating an ArcGIS feature class and loading the original 17 shoreline shapefiles into it.  Used within a geodatabase with a topology feature class for edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
7 - Statewide Wetland Polygon Feature Class
Title: Statewide 1880s NOS T-Sheet Wetland Polygon Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
Contains data from 17 NOS Historic T-Sheet wetland polygon shapefiles:  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
The data resulting from creating an ArcGIS feature class and loading the original 17 wetland polygon shapefiles into it.  Used within a geodatabase with a topology feature class for edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
3 - Georeferenced T-sheet Images
Title: Individual Georeferenced 1880's NOS T-Sheet Images
Originators: Martyn Smith, University of Connecticut Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (compiler), State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (editor and publisher)
Publication date: 2004
Data type: raster digital data
Other citation details:
17 georeferenced *.TIFF files.  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
These are the 17 *.TIFF  image derived from the Original T-Sheet Images that were used as a base during the digitization process as well during the QA/QC review, attribution, and edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
8 - Statewide Wetland Polygon Point Feature Class
Title: Statewide 1880s NOS T-Sheet Wetland Polygon Points Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
Contains data from 17 NOS Historic T-Sheet wetland polygon shapefiles:  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
A feature class consisting of points created from the wetland polygon feature class used to hold and transfer attributes from the original polygons to any new ones that might need to be created to replace the old ones.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
Data Source produced
6 - Statewide Shoreline Feature Class
Title: Statewide 1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
Contains data from 17 NOS Historic T-Sheet shoreline shapefiles:  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
The data resulting from creating an ArcGIS feature class and loading the original 17 shoreline shapefiles into it.  Used within a geodatabase with a topology feature class for edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
7 - Statewide Wetland Polygon Feature Class
Title: Statewide 1880s NOS T-Sheet Wetland Polygon Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
Contains data from 17 NOS Historic T-Sheet wetland polygon shapefiles:  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
The data resulting from creating an ArcGIS feature class and loading the original 17 wetland polygon shapefiles into it.  Used within a geodatabase with a topology feature class for edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
Process Step 6
Process description:
Addition of Low Marsh Features:  Shoreline, wetland, and topology feature classes were overlaid onto the Georeferenced T-sheet Images within ArcGIS for the purpose of adding into the edgematched, topologically valid statewide shoreline and wetland feature classes data representing the locations of "low marshes" or areas depicted as marsh-like water ward of the shoreline. The feature class editing process thus took four distinct steps: Digitizing Low Marsh Features, Creating Low Marsh Wetland Polygon Features, Topology Validation, and Final Inspection, described below:

1) Digitizing Low Marsh Features:  Using the Georeferenced T-sheet imagery and the shoreline feature class, areas the boundaries depicting the areas of low marsh were digitized.  These areas were not as well defined as other shoreline features and typically appeared as marsh-like cross-hatching with no definitive boundary.  As such, error estimates for these line were incresed.  During the digitizing process several fields realting to the T-sheet (SHEET_NO, SHEET_NAME) were updated to reflect the inclusion of multiple sheet data.  Any lines that were added were given an F_CODE value consistent with its representation on the Georeferenced T-sheet. 

2) Creating Low Marsh Wetland Polygon Features:  Using the line work for the low marsh features, corresponding polygons were created by using an ArcGIS 9.0 extension, X-Tools, to convert the lines to polygon features.  These were then copied into the wetland polygon feature class.  After the copy, several fields realting to the T-sheet (SHEET_NO, SHEET_NAME) were updated to reflect the inclusion of multiple sheet data.  Any polygons that were added were given an F_CODE value consistent with its representation on the Georeferenced T-sheet. 

3)Topology Validation:   Once the low marsh line an dpolygon features were digitized, the line/polygon topology rules were run.  Each error was manually zoomed to for visual inspection and either corrected (via manual editing functions such as extend, trim, split/delete, or modify features), or marked as an excepetion.  After any corrections the topology was re-validated to ensure the corrections were successful. 

4) Final Inspection:  Once the shoreline and wetland polygon feature classes had valid topologies, a final insepction was performed to ensure all lines were coded properly.  F_CODE values for the low marsh records in the Shoreline feature class and  the Wetland Polygon feature class were symbolized and compared to each other and to the features depicted on the Georeferenced T-sheet Images to assess whether or not the lines and polygons were symbolized correctly.  In cases where the lines or polygons needed attribute correction, this was achieved through record selection and field calculations using ArcGIS software.  Other fields providing T-sheet descriptions were checked and updated as well.  The new error estimates for low marsh features were added, and new field, STATE, was added to allow the selection of data for either CT, RI, or NY.  Finally, all length and area fields were recalculated to account for alterations from the editing processes.
Process date: 2005
Data Source used
5 - Statewide Shoreline and Wetland Topology
Title: 1880s Shoreline and Wetland Topology Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler and editor)
Publication date: Unpublished Material
Data type: vector digital data
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
This is the ArcGIS geodatabase feature class containing the topology rules used during the edgematching.
Date: 2005
Currentness reference:
publication date
6 - Statewide Shoreline Feature Class
Title: Statewide 1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
Contains data from 17 NOS Historic T-Sheet shoreline shapefiles:  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
The data resulting from creating an ArcGIS feature class and loading the original 17 shoreline shapefiles into it.  Used within a geodatabase with a topology feature class for edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
7 - Statewide Wetland Polygon Feature Class
Title: Statewide 1880s NOS T-Sheet Wetland Polygon Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
Contains data from 17 NOS Historic T-Sheet wetland polygon shapefiles:  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
The data resulting from creating an ArcGIS feature class and loading the original 17 wetland polygon shapefiles into it.  Used within a geodatabase with a topology feature class for edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
3 - Georeferenced T-sheet Images
Title: Individual Georeferenced 1880's NOS T-Sheet Images
Originators: Martyn Smith, University of Connecticut Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (compiler), State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (editor and publisher)
Publication date: 2004
Data type: raster digital data
Other citation details:
17 georeferenced *.TIFF files.  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
These are the 17 *.TIFF  image derived from the Original T-Sheet Images that were used as a base during the digitization process as well during the QA/QC review, attribution, and edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
Data Source produced
6 - Statewide Shoreline Feature Class
Title: Statewide 1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
Contains data from 17 NOS Historic T-Sheet shoreline shapefiles:  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
The data resulting from creating an ArcGIS feature class and loading the original 17 shoreline shapefiles into it.  Used within a geodatabase with a topology feature class for edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
7 - Statewide Wetland Polygon Feature Class
Title: Statewide 1880s NOS T-Sheet Wetland Polygon Feature Class
Originators: State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (compiler, editor, and publisher)
Publication date: 2005
Data type: vector digital data
Other citation details:
Contains data from 17 NOS Historic T-Sheet wetland polygon shapefiles:  (1527-1, 1527-2, 1531, 1537, 1551-a, 1551-b, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569-a, 1569-b, 1651, 1707, 1708, 1734, 1736, 1737).  NOTE: Area depicting New Haven Harbor from the West River in West Haven to the East Haven/NewHaven town boundary is missing.
Map scale denominator: 10,000
Media: computer program
Source contribution:
The data resulting from creating an ArcGIS feature class and loading the original 17 wetland polygon shapefiles into it.  Used within a geodatabase with a topology feature class for edgematching.
Beginning date: 1882
Ending date: 1887
Currentness reference:
ground condition
Process Step 7
Process description:
Metadata imported.
Data Source used
C:\Documents and Settings\KObrien\My Documents\metadata_shore.xml
Process Step 8
Process description:
Metadata imported.
Process date: 20100315 Process time: 11001200
Data Source used
+ Data Distribution Information
Description of the data known by the party from whom the data may be obtained, liability of party distributing data, and technical capabilities required to use the data.
Resource description:
1880s NOS T-Sheet Shoreline Features
Technical prerequisites:
Geographic information sytem (GIS), computer-aided drawing, or other mapping software is necessary to display, view and access the information.
Distribution Point of Contact
Contact information for the individual or organization distributing the data.
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Phone: 860-424-3034
Fax: 860-424-4054
Email: dep.gisdata@ct.gov
Hours of service: Monday - Friday, 8:30-4:30 EST
Address type: mailing and physical address
79 Elm Street
City: Hartford
State or Province: Connecticut
Postal code: 06106-5127
Country: USA
Standard Order Process
Common ways in which data may be obtained.
Digital form:
Size of the data: 6.953
Transfer size: 0.272
Digital transfer option:
Online option:
Computer information:
Network address:
Network resource name: http://www.ct.gov/deep
Custom Order Process
Description of custom distribution services available.
Custom order process:
The data distributor does not provide custom GIS analysis or mapping services. Data is available in a standard format and may be converted to other formats, projections, coordinate systems, or selected for specific geographic regions by the party receiving the data.
+ Metadata Reference
Metadata Date
Dates associated with creating, updating and reviewing the metadata.
Last updated: 20120119
Language of metadata: en
Metadata Point of Contact
Contact information for the individual or organization responsible for the metadata information.
Person: Kevin O'Brien
Organization: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection
Phone: 860-424-3034
Fax: 860-424-4054
Email: dep.gisdata@ct.gov
Hours of service: Monday - Friday, 8:30-4:30 EST
Address type: mailing and physical address
79 Elm St.
City: Hartford
State or Province: CT
Postal code: 06106-5127
Country: USA
Metadata Access Constraints
Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing or using the data after access is granted.
Access constraints:
Use constraints:
Metadata Security Information
Handling restrictions imposed on the metadata because of national security, privacy or other concerns.
Security classifiction system: None
Security classification: Unclassified
Security handling: None
Metadata Standards
Description of the metadata standard used to document the data and reference to any additional extended profiles to the standard used by the metadata producer.
Standard name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Standard version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Time convention: local time
Metadata profiles defining additonal information:
Profile: ESRI Metadata Profile
FGDC Plus Metadata Stylesheet
Stylesheet: FGDC Plus Stylesheet
File name: FGDC Plus.xsl
Version: 2.2
Description: This metadata is displayed using the FGDC Plus Stylesheet, which is an XSL template that can be used with ArcGIS software to display metadata. It displays metadata elements defined in the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) - aka FGDC Standard, the ESRI Profile of CSDGM, the Biological Data Profile of CSDGM, and the Shoreline Data Profile of CSDGM. CSDGM is the US Federal Metadata standard. The Federal Geographic Data Committee originally adopted the CSDGM in 1994 and revised it in 1998. According to Executive Order 12096 all Federal agencies are ordered to use this standard to document geospatial data created as of January, 1995. The standard is often referred to as the FGDC Metadata Standard and has been implemented beyond the federal level with State and local governments adopting the metadata standard as well. The Biological Data Profile broadens the application of the CSDGM so that it is more easily applied to biological data that are not explicitly geographic (laboratory results, field notes, specimen collections, research reports) but can be associated with a geographic location. Includes taxonomical vocabulary. The Shoreline Data Profile addresses variability in the definition and mapping of shorelines by providing a standardized set of terms and data elements required to support metadata for shoreline and coastal data sets. The FGDC Plus Stylesheet includes the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. It supports W3C DOM compatible browsers such as IE7, IE6, Netscape 7, and Mozilla Firefox. It is in the public domain and may be freely used, modified, and redistributed. It is provided "AS-IS" without warranty or technical support.
Instructions: On the top of the page, click on the title of the dataset to toggle opening and closing of all metadata content sections or click section links listed horizontally below the title to open individual sections. Click on a section name (e.g. Description) to open and close section content. Within a section, click on a item name (Status, Key Words, etc.) to open and close individual content items. By default, the Citation information within the Description section is always open for display.
Download: FGDC Plus Stylesheet is available from the ArcScripts downloads at www.esri.com.